Lakeside Marketing provides email marketing services to businesses throughout the United States.

Optimize Your Email Strategy

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling treasure hunt right within the walls of your chiropractic practice? Unearth the hidden email list gold lying dormant in your patient management software! Email lists possess the potential to transform your practice fundamentally, enhance patient relationships significantly, and propel your business to new levels of success.

Email lists are much more than just a way to send out newsletters. They’re a powerful tool to change how you talk to and teach your patients. With email, you can send regular health education campaigns that help your patients learn about their health, new services you offer, and important reminders. This not only helps your patients but also builds a relationship of trust and loyalty.

You can even get feedback from your patients through emails, making it easier to understand and meet their needs. By sending the right information to the right people, your emails are more likely to be read and appreciated. Essentially, using email lists wisely can help you take better care of your patients and keep them informed and engaged.

Here is an example of an educational email campaign by Lakeside Marketing for exercise-induced pain and Mediherb’s Turmeric Forte.

Build Your Chiropractic Patient Email List

Building an effective email list is a crucial component of any chiropractic practice’s marketing and patient engagement strategy. As a chiropractor, there are numerous opportunities to collect email addresses from patients and potential patients, thereby enhancing your communication and fostering a stronger community around your practice. From the first point of contact to ongoing patient education, each interaction is an opportunity to grow your list.

Here are ten tried and true ways you can expand your email list:

  1. Patient Intake Forms –  Collect email addresses right from the start with comprehensive intake forms, whether they’re filled out in the office or online.
  2. Appointment Scheduling Systems – Many modern scheduling tools capture email addresses when patients book their appointments, offering another resource for list building.
  3. Patient Surveys and Feedback Forms – Use surveys or feedback forms, either post-appointment or as part of a periodic check-in, to gather emails and insights.
  4. Health Workshops and Seminars – If your office hosts educational sessions, collect participant emails during registration for future communications.
  5. Referral Programs – Encourage existing patients to refer friends or family, and include a spot for the referrer’s email to keep them in the loop on referral benefits.
  6. Website Sign-Up Forms – Include a sign-up form on your website for newsletters, health tips, or special offers to capture visitor emails.
  7. Social Media Campaigns – Run promotions or informational campaigns on your social media platforms that require an email sign-up to participate.
  8. Community Health Fairs – Participate in local health fairs or community events and have a sign-up sheet for your clinic’s newsletter or email updates.
  9. Partnerships with Local Businesses – Collaborate with local businesses to offer joint promotions, collecting emails in the process.
  10. Follow-up Calls for Treatment or Satisfaction – During follow-up calls to discuss treatment outcomes or patient satisfaction, ask if they’d like to be added to your email list for further updates and tips.

Gathering an Email List: Start With Digital Wallets & Practice Management Software

In the world of healthcare practices, especially those like chiropractic clinics, there are two main treasure troves for finding email addresses to connect with patients. First, there are the cash-based patients who prefer to pay through digital wallets like PayPal, Venmo, Stripe, or Square. These platforms can store patient email addresses used during transactions. The second source comes from patients who use insurance or health plans, managed through specialized patient management systems like ChiroTouch, Genesis, or ChiroFusion.

Both these sources allow the export of email lists for your clinic’s use. And the best part? Even if your practice management system doesn’t directly send emails, it can likely connect or “integrate” with email marketing tools like MailChimp. This makes it super simple to send out newsletters, appointment reminders, or health tips directly to your patients, making the marketer’s job a breeze and keeping your patients engaged and informed.

Exporting Email Lists From Your Digital Payment Systems

Currently, Zelle, Venmo, and similar platforms primarily focus on peer-to-peer transactions and do not typically offer built-in features for exporting email lists directly, as their primary function is not customer management or email marketing. However, for platforms like PayPal, Square, and Stripe, which are more commonly used in business settings, there are ways to extract customer data, including email addresses, for those conducting transactions through these services.

Here’s a simplified directions to export your patient’s contact info based on general practices for each platform:


  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Reports’ section and select ‘Activity Download’.
  3. Choose the date range and data format (CSV or PDF) for the report.
  4. Under ‘Transaction type’, select ‘Payments Received’ to filter for customer transactions.
  5. Download the report, which will include email addresses among other data.


  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard.
  2. Go to ‘Customers’ > ‘Directory’.
  3. Click on ‘Export’ to download a CSV file of your customer list, which includes email addresses.


  1. Log into your Stripe dashboard.
  2. Go to the ‘Customers’ section.
  3. You can filter customers based on different criteria if needed.
  4. Click on ‘Export’ to download a CSV file containing your customers’ details, including their email addresses.

For each of these platforms, the exact navigation paths may vary slightly depending on updates to their interface or changes in their features. Always ensure that you’re following the most recent guidelines provided by the service provider. Also, be sure to handle and use customer data in compliance with data protection laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Remember, while exporting email lists from business transactions can be valuable for marketing and customer relationship management, it’s crucial to obtain consent from your customers before sending them marketing communications, to comply with anti-spam laws and regulations.

Exporting Email Lists Out of Your Practice Management Software

Maximize your clinic’s communication and marketing strategies by maintaining an updated email list. This step-by-step guide will help you export customer email lists from popular chiropractic practice management software such as ChiroTouch, Genesis, Dr Chrono, EZBIS, ChiroFusion, ChartLogic, Healthie, and Kareo. If the software you use is not listed, simply contact them if it is not obvious how to export your patient list.


  1. Log in to your ChiroTouch account.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Patients’ section.
  3. In the 3-dots in the column, download ‘Patient Roster’.
  4. Apply filters to refine your data.
  5. Click the export option and choose your preferred format (CSV or Excel).

Genesis Chiropractic Software:

  1. Sign into Genesis and access the ‘Reports’ section.
  2. Locate the ‘Patient Contact List’ or similar.
  3. Adjust the report settings to include email addresses.
  4. Click on the export or download icon.
  5. Save the file in your chosen format.

Dr Chrono:

  1. Log into your Dr Chrono account.
  2. Go to the ‘Reports’ section from the main menu.
  3. Find a patient report or email list report.
  4. Use filters to narrow down the data you need.
  5. Look for the export option and download the list in CSV format.


  1. Open EZBIS and head to the ‘Marketing’ or ‘Reports’ tab.
  2. Identify the report detailing patient email information.
  3. Apply necessary filters.
  4. Use the export function to obtain your list.


  1. Navigate to the ‘Reports’ dashboard in ChiroFusion.
  2. Look for email or contact list reports.
  3. Set appropriate filters for email data.
  4. Export the list using the provided download options, usually CSV.


  1. Start ChartLogic and move to the ‘Reports’ or ‘Contacts’ area.
  2. Search for a report that contains email information.
  3. Apply the needed filters.
  4. Export the data, selecting either CSV or Excel format.


  1. Log into Healthie and proceed to the ‘Clients’ section.
  2. Find the section for client communication or email lists.
  3. Adjust filters to include email addresses.
  4. Export the list, usually available in spreadsheet format.


  1. Sign in to Kareo and go to the ‘Reports’ section.
  2. Identify a report with patient contact information.
  3. Set your filters to isolate email addresses.
  4. Use the export or download function to save your data, typically in CSV or Excel format.

Gather Emails From Your Supplement Dispensary

Platforms such as Standard Process Insite, Metagenics Meta-e, and Fullscript extend beyond mere patient care and supplement management functionalities; they serve as essential tools for creating extensive customer email databases. These platforms enable efficient management of nutritional products, with Standard Process Insite facilitating supplement orders directly from the domain, Metagenics Meta-e specializing in tailored nutrition plans and product management, and Fullscript streamlining the prescription and delivery of premium supplements. Collectively, these systems are instrumental for chiropractors in accumulating customer email addresses, which in turn, allows for the dissemination of educational content and the enhancement of patient engagement.

Standard Process Insite

  1. Login and Navigate: Access your Standard Process Insite account and go to the dashboard.
  2. Access Order Management: Locate the ‘Reports’ section and ‘Orders’ in the navigation menu.
  3. Export Data: Choose the correct date range. Look for a ‘Download’ button to get the order list. Choose the format (e.g., CSV, Excel) that includes customer emails.
  4. Format Data: Format the data in Excel or Google Sheets based on the needs of your email strategy.

Metagenics Meta-e

  1. Sign In to Meta-e: Enter your credentials to access your Metagenics Meta-e account.
  2. Locate the Reports Section: Find the reporting or orders section in the main menu.
  3. Select the Right Report: Choose the report that contains order details along with customer emails.
  4. Export the List: Use the export feature to download the list, ensuring that customer email information is included.


  1. Fullscript Account Login: Access your account on Fullscript.
  2. Order History Access: Navigate to the ‘Orders’ or ‘History’ tab in your Fullscript dashboard.
  3. Choose the Relevant Time Frame: Select the date range or order status to filter the list appropriately.
  4. Download the Order List: Click on the ‘Export’ or ‘Download’ option to get your order list, making sure it contains the customer email addresses.


Your software is a goldmine for email addresses that can help you send out not just newsletters, but valuable health information, service updates, and reminders that build trust and loyalty with your patients. Engaging with your patients through email allows for personalized communication and the opportunity to receive feedback, making your practice more attuned to patient needs.

Discovering email addresses doesn’t end with your practice management system. Whether your patients are paying through digital methods like PayPal or Venmo, or through insurance plans managed by software like ChiroTouch, there are ways to gather those all-important email contacts. And, integrating these lists with email marketing tools like MailChimp can make sending out those targeted emails a breeze.

Building an email list is crucial in today’s digital world, and every interaction with a patient is an opportunity to grow this list. From the moment a patient fills out an intake form to every digital payment they make, there’s a chance to collect email addresses.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into email marketing but need a helping hand, consider reaching out to Lakeside Marketing. Our team can help get your email marketing strategy off the ground, ensuring your patients are engaged and informed, and your practice thrives.

Let’s Build a Growing Email List Together

At Lakeside Marketing, we specialize in bridging the gap between these e-commerce solutions and the unique needs of healthcare practitioners. Our services are designed to optimize your online presence, regardless of the platform you choose. Here’s how we can help:

Tailored Email and Social Marketing

Our targeted email marketing campaigns and social media strategies are crafted to engage your patient base and build lasting relationships. By leveraging the strengths of your chosen e-commerce platform, we help you deliver valuable content, promote your services, and stay connected with your community.

In an industry where the personal touch matters, let us help you extend that touch to your online presence. Together, we’ll ensure your email list helps you reach your practice goals of increased visits, increased product sales, more referrals and a better educated patient community. Reach out to us, and we will arrange a 20-minute consultation to gain a deeper understanding of your practice’s goals and objectives.

About Author

Pete Wisniewski

Pete Wisniewski is partner of Lakeside Marketing. He is based in Lake in the Hills, IL and can be found exploring the local hiking trails and working with community groups to create positive change.